BookTube-A-Thon Schedule

Posted on Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Booktube-A-Thon is a read-a-thon specifically created for youtubers, by youtubers. If you want to learn more about it, check out Raileen and Ariel's videos about it.

The booktube-a-thon starts in about half an hour my time, and in preparation I thought I would post my schedule here, so I've made it public and hopefully, it will help me read as much as I want to.

The read-a-thon will last all week, but I'm going to be at Slottsfjell music festival in Norway from thursday to saturday, and I will spend most of wednesday and sunday on a train. I'm going to try and read as much as possible on sunday and wednesday, but while I'm at the festival I'm not going to participate.

If you want to see my original TBR, check it out here. I changed a few things though, because the plan was to drive to the festival in a car, but my dad broke his fingers, so he can't drive. I don't get as carsick on trains, so I'm not going to listen to The Fault in Our Stars on audiobook as I planned, but I will be reading Divergent instead, which will cover the re-read challenge, and the 500+ pages challenge(even though it's 11 pages less than 500, I'm still counting it)

There are several challenges you can choose to do:
1) read an average of 300 pages a day
2) read a book with over 500 pages
3) re-read one book
4) finish a series/trilogy
5) read a book that's been on your shelf forever
6) listen to an audiobook
7) read a classic

Here is my planned schedule for the week:

Monday: Anna and The French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins, 372 pages, does not cover any challenges
Tuesday: Requiem by Lauren Oliver, 391 pages, covers the "finish a series/trilogy" challenge
Wednesday: Divergent by Veronica Roth, 489 pages, covers the "reread a book" challenge and almost the "500 pages" challenge, I'm hoping to read at least 300 pages and finish it on sunday
Thursday, Friday and Saturday: Nothing/read a few pages of Divergent
Sunday: Finish Divergent by Veronica Roth, 489 pages + The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, 180 pages, covers the "read a classic" challenge, the "listen to an audiobook" challenge and the "read a book that's been on your shelf forever" challenge.

That completes all of the challenges, but there is also a bonus challenge to see how many challenges you can combine, and as you can see, The Great Gatsby covers three of the challenges. To read an average of 300 pages per day, I'm going to have to read 1200 pages over the four days I'm participating, and the page count for all of these books are 1441. I'm also hoping that I can squeeze in some reading whilst I''m at the festival, and if I have any leftover time, I will be continuing with City of Bones by Cassandra Clare. 


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